Cisco certification is a reliable way for anyone who wants to build a career around Cisco products to get the most benefit. This article focuses on CCNA, which prepares entry-level career opportunities in the Cisco networking industry for IT enthusiasts. The IT job market is more crowded than ever. Even with an online degree, it is difficult to stand out from most people with the same certificate. CCNA certification can help you build your personal brand and stand out from the crowd. Obtaining CCNA certification has several benefits, and we will focus on the most important ones to help you make a decision.

Why do I need CCNA?

Whether you are applying for a new job or looking for a higher position in an IT company, additional Cisco certifications can help you. Cisco training and certification is the best way to showcase your incredible IT skills. If it is a new job, having CCNA certification can earn you more points. Most interview decisions are based on the minimum information on the resume. When you get Cisco certification there, you will definitely have the upper hand in ability. On the other hand, when your employer learns about your new certification, they will convert it into benefits that they can get from you. This ultimately gives you the opportunity to grow in the same organization and get a higher position. CCNA is your ticket to accelerate your career and take it to the next level. Although there are plenty of other Cisco certifications (including professional and expert levels), you can start here with IT Academy. The five reasons to earn a CCNA Certification are respectively;

Greater Acceptance

Cisco is a popular name in the IT industry. It is not only known worldwide for the complete platform it provides, but also for its amazing features that make corporate IT easier. Therefore, anyone who has been trained and certified to use the platform and features will certainly receive the same attention. Cisco training can help candidates gain recognition. After you are certified, you can show it on your resume and verify that you have the technical skills to handle complex network models. In addition, when you apply for a job offer in the Cisco networking field, it also helps to increase your chances of success. Because the industry is constantly evolving, the certification is only valid for three years, which means you need to get the best opportunities during this time and make the most of them.


After obtaining the CCNA certification, employees will treat you as an expert in the field and have a clear understanding of Cisco network concepts and methods. In this field, learning is essential. IT is growing at an alarming rate and staying in touch with the industry; improving your knowledge and skills is also important. In addition, it also helps you beat the competition. This certification is the “extra” you need in addition to experience to keep up-to-date on technological development and keep learning progress.

The Catalyst for Future Certifications

Most professional and expert-level Cisco certifications require CCNA as a prerequisite. You can only choose other Cisco certifications after passing the CCNA certification. If you want to complete the entire Cisco plan, it is important to plan your steps wisely. If you have a valid CCNA certification, it is also important to register for another Cisco certification. So don’t let time take away this opportunity from you.

Better Employment Perks (Salary & other advantages)

If you have been paying attention to higher-ranking companies and expect to be evaluated soon, then this may be your chance to choose the right one. The right timing is also very important for CCNA certification. If you choose it now, you will definitely get a better position, higher salary and additional allowances. CCNA is an achievement that will shine in your resume. Your employer cannot ignore such an important thing. Get ready to honor your certification and get better career opportunities in the industry.

Career Boost

In short, if you have additional certifications, it is easier for employees to climb the ladder of success faster than other IT employees. By becoming a CCNA certified professional, you can give your career the immediate impetus you are looking for.


Upon finishing reading this article, you might have already understood the power of acquiring this certification, but it may not be fully sufficient if you would want to become a top-notch IT professional. Other courses should be coupled with the CCNA Certification, to ensure a flying career. Get in touch with the IT Academy to learn more.

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